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Oral Health Screening

Oral health management. Consistent dental care for chronic dental diseases/conditions is essential for arresting or reversing their harmful effects.

Patient Education

Patients who understand the outcome of poor dental health is likelier to see their dentist for preventive dentistry treatments. Instilling excellent oral hygiene habits significantly helps ensure a lifetime of dental health.


Hygiene Instruction

The most important prevention strategy is brushing and flossing at least twice a day (or after every meal) to remove dental plaque which is a film-like coating that forms on your teeth. If not removed, plaque can build up and produce dental tartar, a hardened, sticky substance with acid-producing bacteria that cause tooth decay and lead to gum disease.

Cleaning &Polishing

No matter how well we brush or floss, there will still be parts of the mouth that we won’t be able to clean by ourselves. Dentist have years of training and all the instruments needed to thoroughly remove any plaque, calculus and surface staining on the teeth. Even our dentists see their hygienists to keep their teeth clean and prevent gum disease.

It is recommended that we see a hygienist every six months. However, people wearing braces or those with diabetes may be advised to have their hygiene appointments more frequently. Remove surface stains on your teeth.


Tooth Sensitivity Managment

Sealants are thin composite coatings placed on the chewing surfaces of back permanent teeth to protect your child from tooth decay.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride strengthens teeth and prevents tooth decay. Fluoride treatments are provided in dental offices, and dentists recommend using fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinses at home. Public water fluoridation – ranked as one of the 20th century’s 10 great public health achievements – provides a major source of fluoride.
