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Gum Treatment

Periodontal (Gum) disease is an infection of the tissues supporting and surrounding the teeth. It is mainly caused by the accumulation of bacteria from the dental plaque that inflames and damages the gums. This chronic infection attacks below the gum line where it breaks down the attachment of the tooth and its supporting tissues.

Several factors increase the risk of developing gum diseases, the most common of which include tobacco smoking and chewing, systemic illnesses like diabetes or cancer, hormonal changes during pregnancy and menstruation, medications such as contraceptives and anticonvulsants, ill-fitting bridges and fillings that have become defective.

Regular dental check-ups and examinations are important because it is possible to have gum infections without the usual signs and symptoms. They may advance painlessly, exhibiting few evident signs even in the late phase of the disease. This explains the increased risk of losing one's teeth.

A. Gingivitis
Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is a fairly common infection that begins with the bacterial accumulation in the mouth. The build-up of plaque causes gums to become red and swollen and bleed easily. It is often a result of poor oral hygiene, inadequate nutrition and some other medical conditions.

When left untreated, gingivitis can progress to Periodontitis.
B. Periodontitis
Periodontitis is the advanced stage of gingivitis where the severe infection erodes the supporting structures of the teeth. The progressive loss and destruction of the bones, teeth and gums weakens the attachments and loosens the teeth.

  • Prevention
  • Daily oral hygiene like brushing, flossing and regular use of an antiseptic mouthwash is critical in preventing of gum diseases. Use fluoridated toothpastes and replace toothbrushes once every one to three months. Maintain a proper diet that ensures proper growth and health of the gums and teeth.

    Avoid frequent consumption of foods and liquids that contain high amounts of sugar. Sugar allows bacterial adhesion and accumulation to the teeth and the tissues surrounding it. Limit sugar intake to the main meals of the day. Drinking plenty of water can help reduce inflammation by producing more saliva which in turn dilutes toxins from plaque. Regular visits to the dentist and dental examinations will help identify and address the risk and occurrence of infections. Progressive stages of the disease may call for more intensive treatments.

    Flap Surgeries

  • What is Flap Surgery?
  • Flap Surgery is a technique in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery wherein a tissue is picked up from a donor site and moved to the recipient site with an intact blood supply. It is different from the grafting technique which relies on the growth of new blood cells.

    Periodontitis (periodontal disease) is the advanced form of gum disease caused by the long-term buildup of plaque and tartar below the gums. The disease permanently destroys your gums, ligaments, and surrounding bone tissue. If periodontitis is left untreated, tooth loss can occur.

    If your dentist or periodontist catches periodontitis early, they can control the disease with non-surgical treatments. This includes scaling and root planning (deep cleaning), which is a non-invasive procedure that removes tartar below your gum line.

    In addition to root planning treatment, gum flap surgery may also be necessary, depending on the severity of gum disease.

    Gum flap surgery, also called periodontal flap surgery, is a popular procedure that treats and repairs periodontal pockets. Periodontal pockets are deep spaces below your gum line that form when gum tissue detaches from your teeth. These pockets cannot be cleaned at home with a normal toothbrush, which creates a perfect environment for harmful bacteria to grow quickly.

    Gum flap surgery is typically separated into four steps:
  • Step 1: Local Anesthesia Administration
  • A local anesthetic is typically administered before gum flap surgery. The drug is injected into your mouth, numbs the treated area, and causes a loss of nociception (pain receptor).

    You remain awake during the entire procedure, but will not feel anything. Local anesthesia also eliminates pain for up to four hours post-op. Depending on needs, anti-anxiety medications or sedatives may also be used.
  • Step 2: Gum Tissue Incision
  • After the local anesthetic is in full effect, your periodontist will make a small incision into your gums. This separates your gum tissue from your teeth.

    Then, they will gently fold back the gum tissue, which allows for easy access to the tooth roots, ligaments, and surrounding bone tissue.
  • Step 3: Gum Tissue Removal
  • After the periodontist accesses the roots, ligaments, and bone tissue, they will carefully remove the inflamed gum tissue. Then, they will clean the roots and remove any remaining debris.

    If there is significant bone loss, your periodontist may recommend bone grafts to regenerate new, healthy bone tissue.
  • Step 4: Stitches
  • After the periodontist removes the infected gum tissue and cleans your tooth roots, they will close the incision with stitches. They may also recommend follow-up appointments to ensure your mouth is healing properly.


    A frenectomy is an oral procedure during which a frenum in the mouth is altered or removed with a laser. A frenum is an attachment between two soft tissues in the mouth, including the cheeks, lips, and gums. The two types of frenum are known as the labial frenum and the lingual frenum.

    their teeth without attracting much attention to their orthodontics.

    • Benefits Of Labial Frenectomy
    • The labial frenum is the tissue connecting the gum tissue between the two front teeth to the upper lip. If this frenum is located down too low on the gum tissue, a gap between the two front teeth can occur. It can also cause gum recession by lifting the gums off of the jawbone.

    • Benefits of a labial frenectomy include:
    • Improves bite function

      Helps to reduce pain and discomfort

      Promotes self-confidence in children and teens by eliminating gaps in the smile

    Benefits Of A Lingual Frenectomy (tongue-tied) :
    The lingual frenum is the tissue connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. If the lingual frenum is located too far forward on the tongue, it can restrict tongue movement. If untreated, it can restrict a child’s ability to eat and speak properly. Lingual frenum, also known as being “tongue-tied,” can also impede an infant’s ability to latch during breastfeeding or eating from a bottle.

    Benefits of a lingual frenectomy include:

    Improves appetite and eating in infants and children. Improves speech function.

    Tissue & Bone grafting

    If you've recently been told by your dentist or gum doctor (periodontist) that you need a gum graft, don't panic. Gum surgery sounds worse than it is. A gum graft may be necessary to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession, or you may choose to have one to improve the appearance of your smile.

    Gum recession is the process in which the tissue that surrounds the teeth pulls away from a tooth, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth's root. This can cause damage to supporting bone. Gum recession is a common dental problem; it affects 4% to 12% of adults and often goes unnoticed until it becomes more severe.

    Many people don't even notice that their gums have receded, because it is a gradual process. However, over time, an exposed tooth root can not only look ugly, but can cause tooth sensitivity, especially when eating cold or hot foods. Eventually, gum recession, if not treated, can cause tooth loss. To repair the damage and prevent further dental problems, a gum tissue graft may be needed.

    Gum Tissue Graft: What Happens During the Procedure
    Three different types of gum tissue grafts are typically performed. Which type your dentist uses on you will depend on your specific needs. The graft procedures include.
  • A. Connective-tissue grafts.
  • This is the most common method used to treat root exposure. During the procedure, a flap of skin is cut at the roof of your mouth (palate) and tissue from under the flap, called subepithelial connective tissue, is removed and then stitched to the gum tissue surrounding the exposed root. After the connective tissue -- the graft -- has been removed from under the palatal flap, the flap is stitched back down.

  • B. Free gingival grafts.
  • . Similar to a connective-tissue graft, free gingival grafts involve the use of tissue from the roof of the mouth. But instead of making a flap and removing tissue under the top layer of flesh, a small amount of tissue is removed directly from the roof of the mouth and then attached to the gum area being treated. This method is used most often in people who have thin gums to begin with and need additional tissue to enlarge the gums.

  • C. Pedicle grafts.
  • In this procedure, instead of taking tissue from the palate, it is grafted from gum around or near the tooth needing repair. The flap, called a pedicle, is only partially cut away so that one edge remains attached. The gum is then pulled over or down to cover the exposed root and sewn into place. This procedure can only be done in people who have plenty of gum tissue near the tooth.

    Bone Graft

    Bone Graft

    A common side effect of untreated periodontal disease (advanced gum disease) is bone loss. If this is the case, your dentist may suggest a bone graft.

    Bone grafting is a minor surgical procedure that helps grow new bone. The graft may be taken from another area of your body, a donor, an animal, or made of synthetic materials. The bone graft material typically consists of processed bone minerals that help your body create new bone cells over time.
  • Gum Disease and Bone Loss
  • Periodontal disease, or periodontitis, is an advanced form of gum disease that permanently damages the gums, bones, and surrounding tissues.

    The long-term build-up of plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) initiates periodontitis. teeth with plaque and red gums from gingivitis

    The gums become irritated and begin to separate from your teeth, forming deep “periodontal pockets” below the gum line. Over time, plaque and tartar collect in these pockets.

    If you do not get your teeth cleaned professionally, the disease will eventually result in soft tissue and bone loss. Your body does not naturally grow new bone cells. A bone graft is the only effective treatment option at this stage